Screening egg donors is a stringent process at Pacific Surrogacy and Egg Donation, Inc. PSED is a direct branch of the Center for Fertility and Gynecology, helping hopeful parents receive all the assistance they need in one location. Dr. Vuc Jovanovic explains that all donors undergo medical and background screening to ensure the best results.
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The Pacific Surrogacy and Egg Donation is our own agency that we use to help us obtain egg donors for our patients. The advantage to the patients is that they get everything from the same hand and we are able to eliminate some of the intermediaries that, a lot of times, make things more complicated for the patient.
We try to maintain a large database of various egg donors with different backgrounds, different ethnic backgrounds so we can accommodate the majority of our patients. The patient gets this concierge service that they can select an egg donor through our agency. All the egg donors are medically screened and have also passed a medical background. There is not any room for a surprise that we sometimes see that an egg donor gets chosen then does not pass the medical clearance.
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